Tvtropes little inferno
Tvtropes little inferno

tvtropes little inferno

Their flavour texts even reflect this instead of being puns or jokes, they're completely serious quotes said by the now-undead heroes. Everything about their Death Knight-edness is played straight. Knight of Cerebus: Especially when compared to everything else in Hearthstone.Gul'dan's eyes don't appear in the video because he's apparently blind now. Glowing Eyes of Doom: All of them, as shown at the end of the Frozen Throne trailer.Evil Is Deathly Cold: As is standard with Warcraft undead.From Nobody to Nightmare: Being a Death Knight is far from "nobody", but after killing Arthas, they take a big step up on the undead food chain by taking his place as the Lich King.After defeating the Lich King, he becomes the new one, but he does not exact judgment on those who lived worthy lives. Uther is an exception, as he becomes a death knight to exact vengeance and justice upon Jaina and Arthas for their betrayal.Not so true in the case of Gul'dan and Garrosh, who are more just shifting from one evil allegiance to another.In the case of the heroic Jaina, Rexxar, Anduin, Valeera, Malfurion and Thrall.Drunk on the Dark Side: All of them love the increase in power they gained after death.The rest of them aren't much better, being much more deranged and violent than their usual selves. Ax-Crazy: Jaina's narration and actions in the Frozen Throne trailer present her as enjoying her newfound power and gleefully slaughtering Arthas' outdated forces.The cards depict the original 9 playable heroes as resurrected Death Knights who are content to destroy everything. In an Alternate Universe, the Lich King Arthas Menethil succeeded in his ultimate goal of creating an army of undead super-warriors, sending them off to wreak havoc on the land.

Tvtropes little inferno